— Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering for Nonproliferation
ETI Consortium is pleased to offer a semester-long introductory course (ETI 101) on foundations of nuclear science and engineering. Please register by December 20, 2021. There is no cost to participate this program. Come join us for our 2nd offering!
ETI 101 will kick-off on January 11, 2022. Over 20 professors / scientists from 13 institutions (6 national labs) will present impressive lectures on 5 topics:
- Nuclear Science of Radiation Interactions and Applications
- Engineering of Reactors and Systems
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Management
- Overview of Nuclear security and Nonproliferation
- Nexus of Technology and Policy
Please register by December 20, 2021: https://gatech.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d1pHrM6Gpi0dHIG
Lecture Delivery
Online, synchronous and asynchronous.
Online meetings – Tuesday / Thursday, 11:10 – 12:30 (ET), weekly. (unless otherwise indicated or updated in the detailed schedule. Note there are a few deviations.)
The syllabus of ETI 101 is available now. Any changes will be updated timely.
Live Lecture Access
- Join via Bluejeans: https://gatech.bluejeans.com/749942993/9481
- Phone Dial-in: +1.408.419.1715
- Meeting ID: 749 942 993
Lecture Video Recordings, and Slides
The lecture video recordings and the lecture slides are uploaded to the Google Drive in a timely manner.