We are excited to announce our 3rd offering of ETI 101, our introductory course on fundamentals of nuclear engineering for nonproliferation. Please register here join us. We have excellent speakers and demonstrations by experts from national laboratories and academia! There is no cost to participate this program. Come join us!
The course will kick off both synchronously and asynchronously on January 10, 2023.
Weekly synchronous online lectures will be every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:10 Eastern Time.
ETI 101 topics:
- Nuclear Science of Radiation Interactions
- Nuclear Engineering of Reactors and Systems
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Management
- Nexus of Technology and Policy
- Overview of Nuclear security and Nonproliferation
Please register: https://forms.gle/6MHMoRDPjdch3EpQ7
Lecture Delivery
Online, synchronous and asynchronous.
Weekly synchronous online lectures will be every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:10 Eastern Time.
The preliminary syllabus is available now.
Live Lecture Access
Join via Zoom platform: https://gatech.zoom.us/j/94923398086
Lecture Video Recordings, and Slides
The lecture video recordings and the lecture slides will be uploaded to the ETI Google Drive on a timely manner.