The overarching goal of this Consortium is to create a research and education environment to support cross-cutting technologies across three core disciplines: the umbrella of (1) computer and engineering science research specifically in a form of machine learning and high performance computing (HPC) will support and enhance (2) advanced manufacturing and (3) nuclear detection technologies. We recognize that the time of focusing primarily on traditional radiation detection technologies in nuclear security is obsolete; as such, we are looking to employ predictive strategies to enhance our understanding of tomorrow’s needs in nuclear nonproliferation. The core of the research expenditures is directed at student education and support in order to grow the next generation of nonproliferation scientists with strong connections to national laboratories. In our selection of collaborating IHE and lab partners, we strategically focused on areas traditionally underrepresented in nuclear engineering curricula: 50% of the partners are from Electrical and Computer Science disciplines contributing machine learning, HPC, data analyses, networks, microelectronics and advanced manufacturing; 25% are biological sciences, materials, mechanical engineering, chemistry, aerospace and acoustics; the remaining 25% are traditional nuclear engineers including fuel cycle experts, reactor analysts, and radiation detection specialists.
The ETI Consortium is composed of fourteen institutions of higher education (IHE) and twelve national laboratories, committed to promoting the spirit of collaborative intelligence.
Institutions of Higher Education
The IHEs are led by Georgia Institute of Technology (GT) along with the thrust area leads, University of Wisconsin (UW) and The Ohio State University (OSU).
The other partners include Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Michigan (UM), University of Hawaii (UH), Colorado School of Mines (CSM), Texas A&M University (TAMU), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), Washington State University (WSU), Duke University (Duke), The University of Texas at Austin (UTA), Claflin University (CU), and Spelman College (SC).
Laboratory Partners
The laboratory partners, who will support the research activities and host the students, postdocs and faculty during their internships, include Brookhaven National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Nevada National Security Site, and Savannah River National Laboratory.