Dr. Steven Biegalski, the ETI Thrust Area Lead of TA2, is receiving the 2025 George Hevesy Medal — the highest international award for career achievements in applied nuclear and radiochemistry.

The medal honors Biegalski’s research and contributions to nuclear analytical chemistry, specifically for “developing comprehensive methods for analyzing radioxenon signatures and creating isotopically pure radioxenon samples, supporting global nuclear monitoring efforts and nuclear accident response.” The medal is sponsored by the Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry with honorees selected by a dedicated panel of scholars overseen by the Board of the Hevesy Award. The award is named after György Hevesy, who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1943 for his work on the use of radionuclides as tracers in the study of chemical processes. Dr. Biegalski will receive the Hevesy Medal in March.