Data Science, Detection and Manufacturing for Nonproliferation

The Consortium for Enabling Technologies and Innovation (ETI) successfully hosted its fourth ETI Annual Summer School. The Part I of this summer school was virtually held on June 12 – August 7, 2024, and received about 30 registrations. The Part II of 2024 ETI Summer School was held in-person at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, on August 11 – 16, 2024. 15 participants with various academic levels and backgrounds from both universities and national labs in US were selected to join the Part II (in-person) at GT and ORNL.

In this program, cross-cutting technologies across core disciplines for nuclear nonproliferation were explored, including data science and nuclear nonproliferation, instrumentation in fuel cycle monitoring, material selection and sensor manufacturing, facility surveillance and predictive analytics.
In addition to invited lectures and panel discussion by research scientists, in-person hands-on experiments, lab demonstrations and tours were also conducted for the Part II, including travel to ORNL to meet phenomenal scientists and tour comprehensive & advanced labs.

Financial support from ETI Consortium are available, including breakfast, lunch, hotel, and travel to Georgia Institute of Technology and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
This program was a great success according to the feedback from participants, for example, Kassidy Aztergo, who is a PhD student in Chemistry from The Ohio State University, “I have met some phenomenal leaders during this summer school. I was totally was inspired by their talks, especially during the Early Career Luncheon at ORNL. Thank these scientists for showing the possibilities of career advancement, while prioritizing family commitments and for proving that a non-linear career path can build you into a capable, well-rounded scientist!”

Please register here. Eligibility requirements for the Part II (in-person): U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Please contact us for any questions:
The agenda for the Part I (online) is available now: Part I (online).
The agenda for the Part II (in-person) is available now: Part II (in-person).
Live Lecture Access
The schedule of Part I (online) is: 12:00 ~ 13:30 (Eastern Time), Wednesday, weekly.
Live Lecture Access:
- Zoom Platform Link:
- Phone Dial-in: +16469313860, 99774204555#
Watch the ETI Summer School at Theatre
The summer school has been filmed and edited into a mini “movie”. Welcome to watch the ETI Summer School video at your own theatre.
Lecture slides, video recordings, and school materials
The lecture slides, video recordings, and school materials are available now in the ETI Drive, and will be updated in a timely manner.
Join us! Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Connection between data science, detection, and manufacturing for nonproliferation.
- Hands-on education and immersive collaborations.
- Lab demonstrations and tours.
More photos for the Part II (in-person) at GT and ORNL