ETI consortium will virtually host the Annual Workshop on October 6 – 7, 2020. Each day will open with a plenary, followed by technical talks and poster session. On Day 2, we plan to have national laboratory recruitment session around 4 pm (ET). The ETI Newsletter 2020 is released, please enjoy learning more about our accomplishments and achievements during the first year of the consortium! Thank you for your contribution to the team, which will hopefully thrive beyond the ETI lifespan, and look forward to the continuation of this fruitful and stimulating collaboration!
Registration is by invitation only. Please email to for the registration link.
The Preliminary Agenda of this workshop is available now.
Workshop Access
The instructions of access to the workshop has been distributed to participants. WebEx is used for this virtual workshop, and Gatherly (Google Chrome broser required) is applied for the Poster Presentation sessions as well as the Lab Recruitment & Internship session.
Abstracts, Posters, Presenation Slides, and Video Recordings
The presentation abstracts, slides, posters, and video recordings are now available online (click below for the details):