7:30–8:30 (MST): Breakfast
08:30–09:30 (MST): Thrust Area 3: Novel Instrumentation for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Monitoring
Session Chair: Prof. Raymond Cao, The Ohio State University
Alex Bocchieri, Student University of Wisconsin – Madison | Imaging Scintillation Events via a Lens | [Abstract]; |
Allen Wood, Student The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | High Performance Single Crystal Organic Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Direct Radiation Detectors | [Abstract]; |
Alexander England, Student Georgia Institute of Technology | Applications of Polysiloxane Plastic Scintillators in Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Beyond | [Abstract]; |
Daryl Giglio, Student The Ohio State University | 4H-Silicon Carbide as Field Deployable Sensor for Trace Actinide Detection | [Abstract]; [Presentation Slides]; [Video Recording] |
9:30–09:50 (MST): Break
09:50–10:20 (MST): Thrust Area 1: Computer & Engineering Sciences for Nonproliferation
Session Chair: Prof. Paul Wilson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jacob Tellez, Student Colorado School of Mines | The Influence of Rare Earth Metal Cations on the Coordination, Aggregation, and Transport of Trivalent Uranium in the LiCl-KCl Eutectic | [Abstract]; [Presentation Slides]; [Video Recording] |
Jordan Stomps, Nonproliferation Data Scientist Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Contrastive Machine Learning and Hyperparameter Optimization for Detecting Nuclear Material Transfers | [Abstract]; [Presentation Slides]; [Video Recording] |
10:20–11:05 (MST): Thrust Area 3: Novel Instrumentation for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Monitoring
Session Chair: Prof. Raymond Cao, The Ohio State University
Shae Cole, Student Georgia Institute of Technology | Application of Organic Semiconductor for Direct Ionizing Radiation Detection | [Abstract]; [Presentation Slides]; [Video Recording] |
Jarod Remy, Student The Ohio State University | Demonstration and Characterization of High-resolution 4H-SiC Schottky Diode Alpha Particle Detectors at High Temperatures | [Abstract]; [Presentation Slides]; [Video Recording] |
Yuguo Tao, Senior Research Engineer Georgia Institute of Technology | Innovative Carbon Nanotube-based Field Emission Electronics for X-ray Generation & Imaging | [Abstract]; [Presentation Slides]; [Video Recording] |
11:05–11:30 (MST): Break
11:30–11:45 (MST): ETI Academic Program and Summer School Discussion [Video Recording]
Pavel Tsvetkov, Professor, Texas A&M University
11:45–12:00 (MST): Oral & Poster Presenter Students Awards, and Closing Remarks [Video Recording]
Anna Erickson, ETI Consortium Director, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
12:00–13:00 (MST): Lunch, and Poster Removal
13:00–15:30 (MST): Lab Tours
Electroweak Interactions Group Lab tour — tour a lab whose research primarily focuses on performing precision measurements of nuclear decay to probe the fundamental interactions of nature. (30 min) |
Radiochemistry Lab tour — tour a lab whose efforts span from assessing the fundamental chemistry of the heaviest available elements to responsible stewardship of nuclear materials in the fuel cycle. (30 min) |
United States Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor tour — tour a 1 MW TRIGA reactor whose mission is to support USGS science by providing information on geologic, plant, and animal specimens to advance methods and techniques unique to nuclear reactors. (90 min, including travel time) |
15:30 (MST): Adjourn